2022 BSGA National Finals

Simon Briffett
12 Mar 2022
Outstanding Success at 2022 BSGA National Trampoline Finals
Outstanding Success for Fish Trampoline Club Students at
2022 BSGA National Trampoline Finals
Three Championship titles and two runner up titles were the amazing haul of gold and silver medals and trophies brought home by 10 students from Fish Trampoline Club at the British Schools Gymnastics Association National Trampoline Finals held in Macclesfield on 12th March 2022. The 550 students who qualified across the UK for these finals were the top competitors from the original 2500 who competed at the various regional qualifying competitions which had been held since October 2021.
Having been placed in the top 5 at the South West Regional qualifier, these Fish Trampoline Club students then placed in the top 5 at the Southern Zonal Championships to qualify for the National Finals in their various categories.
The students were representing their schools at these competitions, with 7 of them from Hayesfield Girls School, 1 from Oldfield, 1 from Ralph Allen and 1 from Norton Hill.
They are trained by Simon Briffet and Petra Burgess who run Fish Trampoline Club.
Having not been able to compete or train due to Covid-19 from March 2020, the students were only able to start full training again last September, the students have worked incredibly hard to achieve this level of success.
The results were:
Hannah Bush - 1st Place - Hayesfield Girls School
Nell Bloomfield - 1st Place - Hayesfield Girls School
Hayesfield Girls School Team - 2nd Place - Hannah Bush, Lauren Booth, Marcie Dunn and Harriet Meates.
Lucas Briffet - 1st Place - Oldfield School
Georgia Bannister - 2nd Place - Norton Hill
The 3 other fish Trampoline Club students, Fleur Honeywell - Hayesfield Girls School, Amelia Korner-Davies - Hayesfield Girls School and Zac Legge - Ralph Allen School, all performed extremely well, but in a very tough and close fought competition they were unfortunate not to medal this time.
Lucas Briffet said “It was an unexpected victory, and extremely challenging, and I would like to thank Hebe, Petra and Simon for all their help."
‘I’m very proud of what I’ve been able to achieve thanks to Simon’ said Georgia Bannister.
Fish runs trampoline clubs at Hayesfield Girls School, Somervale, Keynsham Leisure Centre and St Gregory’s Catholic School, Bath.
For further information about Fish please contact: Petra Burgess 07814545111