2024 South West Squad Announcement

7 Mar 2024
Squad for the Inter-Regional Championships
The South West Squad has just been announced for the Inter-Regional Championships being held in Birmingham at the Utilita Arena on 5-7th July 2024.
Huge Congratulations to the following BTA members for being selected to the South West Squad and their achievements in Birmingham:
Oliver Coles 3rd
Jack Powell 6th
Jacob Tucker 9th
Beth Hudson 10th
MV 15th
Ollie Purchase 18th
Here is the information regarding the competition at the Utilita Arena 5-7th July 2024:
Accreditation Desk - this is where the SW coaches are checked in - not the children
SW Check In desk - This is where Kim Vickery (South West Team Manager) will be sitting and where your child should come to upon walking through the doors at Entrance E (she will more than likely be located to the left as they walk in) and each competitor is given a wristband (this is the competitors accreditation) which allows the competitor to walk around the venue.
Orientation - this is a practice warm up on the competition equipment the night before the competition.
Field of Play apparatus: These are the trampolines/DMTs that your child will compete on
Firstly orientation - please ensure that you arrive at least half an hour before your child's allocated orientation time as it takes time to get through the South West check in to get the competitor's accreditation. Due to the numbers being dropped off please do not worry that they will get down in time for their orientation time.
Orientation time - Friday (for Saturday competition)
You will see that on Friday night there are 2 orientation times for Trampoline and 1 for DMT. We therefore have to split up the number of trampoline competitors between the 2 time slots. Therefore please could you make sure that if your child is competing in both trampoline and DMT that he/she attends the Group 3 session for trampoline and Group 1 for DMT (times below) so they get a full training session for each discipline.
Apart from that I would ask that ONLY Disability Trampoline competitors and all 9-10 trampoline competitors attend the later Group 3 trampoline session arriving at 15.30 (unless they are doing both Trampoline and DMT when they will do DMT Group 1 then Trampoline Group 3). In this way I will have been able to make sure that we have the correct number of people training at each session.
Trampoline Group 1: Arrive at 14.30 - Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 15.00-15.30, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall: 15.30-1600, Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 16.00-16.30 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
Trampoline Group 3: Arrive at 15.30 - Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 16.00-16.30, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall 16.30-17.00, Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 17.00-17.30 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
DMT Group 1: Arrive at 14.30 - Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 15.00-15.30, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall: 15.30-1600, Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 16.00-16.30 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
Orientation - Saturday evening (for Sunday Competition)
We have 2 sessions for trampoline and 1 for DMT. In prder to make sure that we have even numbers on each Orientation group please could age groups 9-10 Levels 3 and 4, aged 10 Level 4 and 11-12 Level 3, please attend Trampoline Group 5 arriving at 6pm.
All those aged 13 and over plus 11-12 Level 4 attend Trampoline Group 7 arriving at 1900. Thank you.
DMT Group 1: Arrive at 16.00 - Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 16.30-17.00, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall: 17.00-17.30, Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 17.30-18.00 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
Trampoline Group 5: Arrive at 18.00 Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 18.30-19.00, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall: 19.00-19.30, Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 19.30-20.00 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
Trampoline Group 7: Arrive at 19.00 - Warm Up and Stretching in Warm up Hall: 19.30-20.00, Warm up on Apparatus in Warm up Hall: 20.00-20.30 Warm up on Field of Play Apparatus: 20.30-21.00 - then leave the arena to be picked up by parents from entrance F
Start List:
This is where you will find your childs name and which day he/she is competing on. Day 1 is Saturday, Day 2 is Sunday. You will find out which Panel he/she is competing on and most importantly which flight. Once you have found the flight go to the appropriate day timetable and you will see the time he/she is competing.
Access to the venue:
All parents should drop their children off at Entrance E (lower level) (orientation and day of competition) and pick them up afterwards at the Entrance E also. Please can you make sure you are there on time to pick up your child as the coaches/chaperones will need to pick up the next group immediately afterwards. Parents then will access the building via Entrance F (upper level) to show their spectator tickets on the day of competition - no need for tickets for orientation etc.
Parents - please be aware that the Coaches/Team Manager/Chaperones will be working NON STOP from 2pm - 6pm on Friday, 7.30am - 9.00pm on Saturday and 7.30am-5.30pm on Sunday. Please help us by being on time. So there isnt a bottle-neck at Entrance E please could only one parent accompany your child.
Please read the Work Plan attached in detail as it has all of the information you should need for the weekend.
Parents do not need tickets for the orientation sessions. Please note that If a gymnast/coach wishes to spectate on the day they are not competing, they will be required to report to the Accreditation Desk, to collect a spectator ticket which will be free.
Very Important - please inform me if your child cannot make orientation in time (if stuck on motorway etc) by ringing/texting me on 07803740317 as I must inform BG for Health and Safety reasons. There will be over 1300 competitors attending over the weekend and we need to know where everyone is. It usually works really well as long as everyone is where they should be.
If your child cannot attend the event please inform me immediately as there is a £25 withdrawal fee per competitor if I do not inform BG before the sessions starts. If your child has to withdraw in the next couple of weeks please let me know so I can arrange for the 1st reserve to attend. Thanks.
Live scores from the event can be viewed using the new scoring system Scorebase - go to http://scorebase.co.uk/ for live scores during the event. Obviously we wont know which region has won the Regional Cups until the end of Sunday when all of the points from the weekend have been counted.
Just to remind you that your child must arrive and leave in full SW kit (leotard/polo/blue trousers/leggins) - no civvy clothes whilst in the venue (this is for identification more than anything else). If your child is in the medal presentations then the South West would like them to receive their medals in competition attire please.
Finally could you please fill in this on-line form below so that I have contact information should I need to contact you during the competition weekend. I will destroy the information when the competition is finished.
Please remember to shout loud for SOUTH WEST!